Friday, March 16, 2012

Sinus Disease and Cystic Fibrosis

From day one, our son has always had a stuffy nose.  Due to his CF causing extra thick, sticky mucus, I never so his nose run until he was 2 1/2 years old and was started on a nebulized medication called Pulmozyme, which is used to thin the mucus in his lungs. 

We'd been warned about the potential for polyps, sinus disease, but other than a stuffy sounding nose from time to time, there didn't appear to be any issues.  Then this past year, he became more of a mouth breather.  His pediatrician commented on nasal inflammation and stuffiness.  Asked if he snored.  Up until a few months ago, he hadn't snored.  Suddenly he snored, had episodes where he stopped breathing for a few seconds, was a very restless sleeper.  He began to have issues with reading out loud in school.  He'd have to stop and gasp for breath midsentence.

At his last CF clinic appointment, his doctor had him breathe through his nose and there was no airflow coming from his left nostril.  So he suggested that we send him to an ENT when we went came back to the City for his CF appointment. 

Being that his sinus issues became worse and thinking it was adenoids or polyps that may require surgery, we got a referral to an ENT last month.  Two specialists proceeded to stick a long thin camera up his sinus passage.  I swear the darned thing went up into his brain.  Bleah!  The ENTs were baffled -- no polyps, no adenoids.  Lots of inflammation near the FRONT of his nostril and what appeared to be cobblestoning along his septum.  So a CT scan was ordered and they prescribed a nasal steroid -- Nasonex.

Within minutes of using the nasal spray, he was able to breathe thru his nose for the first time in months.  He slept peacefully with no snoring.  The results of the CT scan weren't surprising.  Sinus Disease of the Maxillary, Bilateral and Right Ethmoid Sinuses; however, being that the nasal spray is apparently doing to trick, we're just going to monitor rather that have him undergo any unnecessary surgery at this point

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